The Name

Gauti Galore carries deep personal significance, named in honor of my mother .Whose surname I took after my father passed away when I was just 11 months old. This brand is a tribute to her strength and the legacy of resilience she passed down to me.

The Inspiration

Gauti Galore is more than just a streetwear brand it’s a testament to resilience and self expression. Founded by 24 year old Naomi Shadaya Gauti, the brand was born from a journey shaped by adversity and creativity. Growing up without access to the latest trends .Naomi learned how to create something extraordinary from nothing, how to reinvent the same outfit with a fresh perspective and how to stand out with confidence no matter the circumstances.

Dare to be different

Inspired by the power of individuality and the desire to truly "stand out," Naomi vowed to create a brand that empowers others to do the same. Gauti Galore is the realisation of that promise a high quality clothing shop where everyone is encouraged to embrace their uniqueness and dare to be different.

About our Services

In a world that demands you fit in, a world that urges you to imitate others. We encourage you to be different to stand out. Every product in Gauti Galore is worth every penny. It's not just about the quality or the look , it's about how you feel when you wear Gauti Galore.